Friday, August 7, 2009

Do you think American unemployment rate will be stablized?

What a joke,its all based on Who%26#039;s Eligible,the people out of work for long period don%26#039;t count anymore.So, what you hear and read is wrong.Not the true reading of the amount of unemployed.Just what the new claims are.

Do you think American unemployment rate will be stablized?small business loans

Well,the States and Government want to look good in the eye%26#039;s of the people,Like they are doing there job%26#039;s well for the people.In reality it all smoke and B.S.,by all the parasitic politicians Report It

Do you think American unemployment rate will be stablized?


The unemployment rate IS pretty stable already.|||As someone who know, yes.|||Not if you still recruit people from abroad to work in America|||Its stable and its lower then what was around 1990 - 2000|||Don%26#039;t know what you are referring to as stabilize. Current Department of Labor statistics put unemployment rate at roughly 4.6 percent for the year. It doesn%26#039;t get much more stable than that.|||if the unemployment stabilized in Irak and Afganistan!|||Yes and no. Numberwise, it LOOKS like it%26#039;s improving. But that%26#039;s only because there are so many deceptions in the way it%26#039;s being counted. Or not counted.

If your unemployment runs out, you no longer figure into the unemployment rate. Does that pay your bills and put food on your plate and keep a roof over your head? No. But it%26#039;s a really nice way to crunch the numbers.

What about skilled people like myself, over twenty years at the same place, making $40-50K per year, and our jobs move to China or somewhere? Last year I worked full-time all year and didn%26#039;t even quite make $20K. That%26#039;s pathetic. As far as I%26#039;m concerned, I%26#039;m unemployed. And that%26#039;s actually better than the job I had the year before.

This is nothing but a bunch of crap, that liar in Washington at the State of the Union adress, up there tooting his own horn, saying that thanks to his tax breaks, the average American brings home 33% more money than they did under his predeccessor, and that only the lower-paying jobs are being moved overseas. Our Ohio county only had two higher-paying employers, and they were our biggest employers as well. They both moved to China. This is the rule rather than the exception.

The crappy jobs are still here, and you%26#039;re working harder for less money and having more and more of your paycheck go to insurance. And the insurance wants to pay for less and less every year, but it gouges you dry like all it%26#039;s doing is paying out.

All our benefits are being cut partially or completely. Half of our Ohio county is earning less than half of what it did two years ago. And they%26#039;re cutting law enforcement and fire personnel to pay for it. And cutting sports and other extracurricular activities at school. Our street repairs are band-aid jobs at best. They%26#039;re cutting everything across the board. But the municipal dept. has made no cuts in the Country Club district... There%26#039;s more work being done there than ever.

I don%26#039;t believe our unemployment rate will ever be stabilized in a positive way. Only in a very negative way.|||I hate to say this about my fellow Americans but I do honestly feel America is LAZY. I live in one of the poorest states in our country. I see (everyday) people who are able to work just too lazy to go.|||yes it will stablize|||no. the rate is not how many are unemployed, but if the rate of unemployment is growing, or slowing, and how fast or slow. stabilizatiion means that it has stopped, period. it does not mean that everyone is back to work. everyone back to work has not happened in a very very long time.|||the unemployment rate is at the lowest it has been in years.|||No, not with the big 3 going to other countries!!1

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