Friday, August 7, 2009

Why is the UNEMPLOYMENT rate so VERY VERY low at 4.6%?

How is it that we have managed to add 9 million new jobs in this country since August 2003? You would think that with 9/11 and Katrina the USA economy would be in bad shape.

My dad says that Bush%26#039;s tax cuts for working people have pumped much needed revenue into the treasury to ease the pain. He also says that Bush%26#039;s tax cuts for working people are paying my college tuition with no need for loans.

Thanks GWB!

(See my 360 blog %26amp; poll on why I think George W. Bush is GREAT)

Why is the UNEMPLOYMENT rate so VERY VERY low at 4.6%?

Finally, an intelligent voice on here. You%26#039;ll notice people saying you are wrong, but not providing anything to back it up but their own hatred...your dad is great, good luck in college!

Why is the UNEMPLOYMENT rate so VERY VERY low at 4.6%? loan

You need new material, sweetie.|||Your Dad is a very smart and informed man.Give him a hug for me.|||Didn%26#039;t Bush cut student aid programs?

I don%26#039;t know how tax cuts will help someone pay off a 50K tuition. Unless you make six figures.|||Dems despise Bush because he is an excellent president.|||The facts you have given are deceptive, and far from the truth. But assuming that the unemployment rate was 0%, Bush would still be more butcher than president, and more traitor to God than Christian.|||But you are smart enough to understand purchaseing power havent gone up and a lot of people have gone from high paying jobs to lower paying jobs, and prices have gone up, gas, milk,

your not stupid you do understand that just because unemployment is low theres still a lot of families in poverty

i don%26#039;t think government is the solution, not at all,

CEO elite rich folks keep getting richer, and funding for their pensions is higher than for all the workers,

Comcast for example, the top 10 salary employees have a pension fund of 210 million, and the rest of the company 168 million, thats a wall street journal 2006 article

the shareholders got screwed with the enron collapse

so, I would only say while government isn%26#039;t the solution, CEO salaries have gone up 400% in the same time that the minium wage has only gone up what, 2 dollars, about 40%,

there is a need for shareholders to get their CEO salaries and pensions in line,

thats how i feel|||Ditto!

Low taxes, spur grow. High taxes only go to Goverment waste. A Bush has established a ok Economy not based on over pried Net stocks like in the 1990%26#039;s. The Cut backs in welfare by Clinton have also forced many non workers to seek work. If you have the skills, the jobs are there..... Katrina For example is a net job producer long term. From the insurance Adjusters to the Construction jobs produced.|||Your figures on job creation cannot be correct. If that many jobs had been added during that time, unemployment would be zero and there would be a labor shortage.

In order for the economy to maintain equilibrium, about 120,000 new jobs must be created per month. Higher numbers than that creates inflation. Lower numbers than that creates recessions. Additionally, job creation figures for the last year or more have been under 100,000.|||Bush%26#039;s tax cuts have not pumped money into the treasury. Tax revenues have gone down when adjusted for inflation.

9 million new jobs in 4 years is much less than created during Clinton presidency. Considering more and more of these jobs are part-time or contract jobs without benefits, it%26#039;s a real problem.

9/11 and Katrina created a lot of new jobs. 9/11 created huge government spending on security and defense spending. Katrina created a huge amount of construction jobs. Natural disasters usually do increase economic activity. Given this, the growth in jobs is pretty depressing.|||The %26quot;4.6%%26quot; rate is a estimated national average based on the number of people receiving unemployment compensation. Although it may seem low in relationship to the number of people working nationwide, some locations have very high rates of unemployment! I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s an accurate measurement of the strength of the economy. If you are a Doctor or Lawyer making $300,000. a year, YOUR economy is very good but I doubt that a waitress making $2.50/hour plus tips at a truck stop would feel the same way! By the way... Presidents (including Bush) don%26#039;t create jobs! Corporations %26amp; private businesses create jobs based on their sales %26amp; profits... Not who%26#039;s in the White House! Those 9 million %26quot;new%26quot; jobs are not all %26quot;Government%26quot; jobs!|||Tell that to the 400,000+ people losing their jobs to China every year.

You might want to read up on some other facts about the employment in this country.|||How was it that when the thirteen colonies first existed, they had no taxes and no unemployment and no homeless people?

Answer that and then I%26#039;ll answer your question.

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