Friday, August 7, 2009

How does the literacy rate impact the unemployment rate? What can be done to tackle it?

It will really make no difference till more jobs are created and if that does not happen it will only give rise to frustration among the educated leading them to accept jobs which are below their achived levels of education. The solution is to empower individuals to start small scale industries, either making high quality finished products or supplying parts/accessories to bigger industries. We need to, using our huge manpower resource, without interference from middlemen, with uncorrupted government backing, produce goods of a very high quality and supply to the whole world.

How does the literacy rate impact the unemployment rate? What can be done to tackle it?loan

well how will people get employed if they r not educated. at least some criteria is needed to get a job.

How does the literacy rate impact the unemployment rate? What can be done to tackle it? loan

u teach ur friend something good got it

so what r uteaching me|||I am not sure that it does, to a significant extent. It certainly has a massive impact on the type of employment to which an individual may be suited or able but it would only be one factor in a complex set which rendered a person unemployable.

This can be tackled by eradicating ignorance and poverty---Easier said than done.|||It doesn%26#039;t!

Since formal education was introduced into this country, there were always children who were simply more able than others. And I mean this across the board, in all subjects and skills.

In our modern times, we still have children who are simply more able than others, but unfortunately, there is a ridiculous expectation on schools to churn out a 100% literacy pass rate. What has now happened is that we are making those children who just cannot read thoroughly miserable and self-conscious.

As for this affecting unemployment rates - it doesn%26#039;t! What afffects unemployment rates is a mixture of job availabilty, the massive influx of immigrants, the lazy sods who can%26#039;t be bothered to get a job and the lack of quality work out there for people because thousands of jobs have been shipped abroad where it%26#039;s cheaper.

What we have now is a better educated dole queue.

And before I spark a riot with my %26#039;lazy sods%26#039; comment, the reason we have so many immigrants in this country in the first place is because of the lack of job-uptake. What comes around goes around, and those of us who have family members looking for work are now finding that each job has over 50 applicants and over two-thirds of them don%26#039;t speak English. And this is in skilled jobs as well as unskilled work.

Also, we NEED all types of workers - primary, secondary, tertiary and professional. Not every literate school leaver is going to be a journalist or writer, but skills in other areas would be beneficial and essential for thier own self-respect.

What will happen when the entire nation can quote Shakespeare, but no-one has a clue how to build a house?|||Well, lack of literacy skills and a good general education amongst the population has a significant impact on employment. Take for example, all those social workers, fraud benefit officers, post office workers, police, health visitors, Surestart workers, prison and probation officers and migrant workers who would be out of a job if everyone suddenly had improved skills. Well, that and the right attitude, but attitudes come from parents and communities.

How can we improve that? I think showing young people just how varied and amazing their very own lives could be and showing them how to access it, is crucial If acceptable role models and life changing opportunities are GENUINELY available for them, then I think the tide could start to change. I don%26#039;t mean giving all the %26#039;poor illiterate%26#039; people an extra tenner every week. I think real life work/fun/activity opportunity is needed to initiate change.|||people cud do the following


get a recognised qualification

look regularly at job websites

do a apprentice

etc|||Improved literacy rate will positively impact the employment rate- That is a higher literacy rate will certainly decrease unemployment. With more education, people will be more confident, aware and can think of more opportunities and further will realise that there are many areas for self employment or for development of entrepreneurs. Service or a job alone is not the only source of employment. True and worthwhile Education will lead to more self employment ventures and also the prevalent notion that only white collar jobs are the only source for gainful employment.|||Firstly %26quot;impact%26quot; is a noun, not a verb. Unfortunately Americans use the word as a verb incorrectly.

To answer your question: It matters not what the literacy rate is, there are only so many jobs and if there are more potential employees that there are employment opportunities then the unemployment rate will still remain the same, irrespective of how literate the unemployed persons are.|||Government policy is to move the country towards a %26quot;knowledge economy%26quot;. A big problem with this is that it requires certain aptitudes - and makes it difficult for people who cannot read, and those with low IQ (not always the same people) to find employment. We need to tackle illiteracy, we also need to ensure that there is a good range of jobs so that there is a productive role for all members of society.|||I am an NVQ assessor and within my educational area literacy and numeracy, or a lack thereof, are seen as something we offer assistance and guidance for, not as a problem. As the NVQ system is an assessment of work-based knowledge and skills, applied to a working environment, it doesn%26#039;t have an impact. It helps if the candidate has the abililties you describe but it is not vital.

Unfortunately the declining standards of educational ability in the 7-11 yrs age range will take 7-10 yrs to start affecting the workforce in the way your question implies. If the government doesn%26#039;t start tackling the lower standards head on, then it is everyday life for the people with problems in education that cause most problems as there will always be unscrupulous employers waiting to take advantage.|||well.... its like asking %26quot; how does hunger affect food consumption?%26quot;

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