Friday, August 7, 2009

How come with an unemployment rate of 4%, 12 million EXTRA people?

Still manage to find a job in the US? Wouldn%26#039;t kicking them all out create a HUGE void?

How come with an unemployment rate of 4%, 12 million EXTRA people?secured loan

The US is considered at full employment, The percentage of unemployed are not all farm workers, You have Unemployed CEO, Professionals, white collar worker,Building trade, Blue collared workers, Office workers etc.

You have your chronic Unemployed, Ex-cons, People that are not looking for jobs, Alcoholics and drug abusers and the unemployable etc

The states of Colorado last year ,passed some of the toughest anti-immigration laws in the US, Now they are feeling the results of their actions, With no one left to pick them, the crops are rotting in the fields. Some Colorado grower have raise the picking wage to $9.60 per hour, well above the $5.15 per hour minimum wage.. To attract American workers. There have been very few takers to those picking jobs.

There are some jobs Americans simply will not do !

If 12 million workers were deported there would be those job vacancies . which very few Americans will apply for.and they would go unfilled, as is the current case in Colorado !

How come with an unemployment rate of 4%, 12 million EXTRA people?


First the unemployment rate isn%26#039;t 4 %. Second there are more like 40 million illegals here. And no - it wouldn%26#039;t create a void at all - except at the welfare office.

answering your questions is like arguing with a drunk - if you believe government figures then I have a bridge for sale in San Francisco.|||Its not about the job it is about the ILLEGAL thing.

And not all illegals are working.|||4% of the US population is 12,045,598. Seems if 12 millions illegals left employment would be 100%

Current US polulatioon is 301,139,947 (July 2007 est.)

%26quot;Could those 12 million who are equal to 4% of the US population be children below 16 years old and elderly who can%26#039;t work anyways?%26quot; - No. Employment/Unemployment figures are based on eliigable adult workers seeking employment.|||Teenagers.|||There are more jobs because wages are being cut down so companies can hire more employees and pay them crap. Ask anyone who works in construction.|||Do you remember the growers in Florida and California screaming about how they would have to increase prices to cover the increased cost of labor without illegals to work their fields. Well they did increase the prices, but the overall increase was so low that nobody noticed.

Will it leave a huge void? No, oh don%26#039;t get me wrong. Some companies that rely way to heavy on illegal labor will be screaming. Granted when they do, the government needs to step in and fine the jeepers out of them for hiring illegals in the first place.|||Kick them out . Were too strong of a country to be displace by some illegals being rightfully ejected from this country . Plus well all be a lot richer . All the tax money will go to better things , not welfare , medicaid and paying for prisoners . They might even lower our taxes . Why would anyone support people doing someting illegal . Unless its the underground railroad or something .|||In the unemployment rate there are different categories of workers. Capable workers that are not working because of lack of jobs. Capable workers that are not working because they are not looking. If all the illegals were shipped out today, the workers looking for a job would have no trouble finding work. And the best part, their wages would go up from being suppressed by illegals that work for peanuts. Win Win!!|||I think America would go poor like in the depression because nobody with the right to be here would want to work their butts off like the illegals do for the pay they do I do think though that people committing crimes that are illegals should be deported immediately not held in jail for months wasting Americas tax money and the ones that are hard workers and pay their taxes too (not just American born citizens get taxes taken out of their checks illegals do to so all of you quit complaining %26quot;my taxes%26quot;) should be given permits to work here|||No, it would mean the Americans that the third world scab workers replaced would get their jobs back.

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