Friday, August 7, 2009

What is the unemployment rate in the philippines?

How much it increase/decrease?

The data should be updated. not more than the year mid 2006 until now 2007.

What is the unemployment rate in the philippines?heart rate monitor

there is a certain segment of all populations that are unemployable. The philippines contracts out all over the world, sending both skilled and unskilled labor who work very hard for what we americans would call low wages. They are also a country that has less of a welfare system than we, so those who are unemployable are really unemployable, not just lazy like the ones here. Id have to guess less than the 5-7% we have here in the states.

What is the unemployment rate in the philippines? loan

Sorry, all I have in my library is Encarta and the data is listed for 2001. Hey, it%26#039;s a start.

From the I found this:


Q1 Q2

8.2 8.0

Since the page is titled %26quot;East Asia Update 2006%26quot; there is nothing for Q3 or Q4 nor 2007.

The good news is that for previous periods we have this:

2002 2003 2004 2005

10.2 10.2 10.9 8.0

--------------Encarta Online---------------------


Gross domestic product

(GDP, in U.S.$) $84.6 billion (2004)

GDP per capita (U.S.$) $1,040 (2004)

GDP by economic sector

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 13.7 percent (2004)

Industry 32.4 percent (2004)

Services 53.9 percent (2004)


Number of workers 35,921,660 (2004)

Workforce share of economic sector

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 37 percent (2001)

Industry 16 percent (2001)

Services 47 percent (2001)

Unemployment rate 9.8 percent (2001)

National budget (U.S.$)

Total revenue $12,525 million (2004)

Total expenditure $13,852 million (2001)

Monetary unit

1 Philippine peso (P), consisting of 100 centavos

Major trade partners for exports

United States, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, and Taiwan

Major trade partners for imports

Japan, United States, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan

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