Friday, August 7, 2009

Do you think Unemployment Rate (officially 4,7%) is FAIR when given to Americans ?

%26quot;There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and

statistics.%26quot; - Benjamin Disraeli

From this atrticle it makes it clear, it is manbipulated to hide the truth.

So, is it so easy to take a job actually in the US ?

Do you think Unemployment Rate (officially 4,7%) is FAIR when given to Americans ?

Can even you dispute this statistic? When given what to Americans. I dont understand your question 100%

Do you think Unemployment Rate (officially 4,7%) is FAIR when given to Americans ? loan

They measure it the same way all the time. So, comparatively, the rate is something that can be looked at against other periods in time. The rate is very good .|||Well, I am 23, and FINALLY have a decent job.

From about 19-22, I had the WORST time trying to find one....atleast where I was an employee, not an independent contractor. I owe all the thanks to my brother though, not the government. The government can piss off.|||Maybe if you looked here you would get real statistics not conjecture from a foreigner with no real data.|||Are you kidding me ...Canadian your you believe in a minute that if the unemployment was 11.4% the liberal media would let slip by....CNN would be jumping up and down..please|||LOL LMFAO

Are you kidding me?

These nit wits are using the jail population in their calculations.

You call that %26#039;clear%26#039;?

Where were the unfilled jobs entered into the equation?

My company, as we speak, has 280 jobs unfilled for which we are paying liquidated damages. They range from $9.00 to $35.00 hourly.

Tell all these so called unemployed to look in the want ads.

Oh, by the way, I am prevented from hiring prisoners. They tend to be tardy.|||It is probably much higher. The rate that is published is for new unemployment claims and does not count those whose claim has run out because they are unable to find work after 6 months or so.|||I don%26#039;t know exactly how the government calculates the unemployment rate. I do know that the number of people accepting unemployment compensation is a big consideration. But as the article states, I%26#039;m sure that people forced to work part time are not included, since technically, they are working. And there are also those people who haven%26#039;t had a job in a long time, and have no intention of getting a job. Which always seems to be about 4 percent. With all the economic indicators pointing towards a recession (fuel, housing, etcetera), I expect unemployment to start climbing pretty soon.|||Sure stats are manipulated look at the bookkeeping of many corporations. Enron comes to mind but many more are examples of manipulated or massaged reports. Unemployment has been misrepresented for many years. When unemployment payments run out for those receiving they also drop off as unemployed, shocked?|||What I find funny is that with an unemployment rate of 4.6% liberals still throw the DOOM factor out there.. That the Republicans dont care about jobs.

Clintons unemployment rates

92%26#039; - 7.5%

93%26#039; - 6.9%

94%26#039; - 6.1%

95%26#039; - 5.6%

96%26#039; - 5.4%

in 2007 it is at 4.6%... how does this not prove that tax cuts for business works?

Truth Seeker - I am so glad you pointed that out... 1995 Newt Gingrich and the republicans took over the house for the first time in 40 YEARS! They overhauled the budget and cut spending and lowerd taxes FOR BUSINESS.... thank you so much for making my point.|||jskmarden - you left off the years 97, 98, and 99. and you failed to show that unemployment was 4.3% in 1999. The lowest in 30 years at the time and now nearly 40 years. And these numbers were before Bush changed the %26quot;criteria%26quot; for reproting the data.

are the tax cuts working???? Unemployment was lower before the tax cuts when it was 4.3%....

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