Sunday, August 9, 2009

Was the unemployment rate the lowest ever under Clinton?

No, the lowest has been under this President. Do not forget that when clinton left office we were in a full recession.

Was the unemployment rate the lowest ever under Clinton?exchange rate

Lower than with the present administration. It is 4.5 now, was under 4 then. However, our economy was in WAY better shape, and our national debt was cut drastically. Now we are in the deepest hole ever.

Was the unemployment rate the lowest ever under Clinton? loan

I really don%26#039;t know for sure, but if Bush gets his guest worker program I know who will have the higest American unemployment rate in history for his terms.|||Yes it was. In the town I live in you had maybe one person you knew who was unemployed under this president pretty much everyone I know is unemployed or working low paying jobs just to pay their bills and I do mean just their bills. At times barely that.|||It will be the highest when the next prez gets in and we have to pay down our national comes the next big recession,hope you have some money saved.|||No, but some of the unemployment rates during the Clinton years, were the lowest in the last 40 years.|||No...I think, if I remember the stats correctly that the best unemployment rate when Clinton was pres was about 6.2%, currently it is around 5.4%...and several times in the last 25 years it has been in the 4%26#039;s.|||Is slave labor included in the statistics, then and now?|||Whether it was or not the president can%26#039;t spend money to stimulate the economy or squeeze it to cause recession without the approval of Congress. The Congress was Republican the whole time.|||If you want to see a real comparison between the Clinton/Bush economies go here:

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