Friday, August 7, 2009

Why is the unemployment rate in Oregon higher than the national average?

Population growth and job loses = Higher unemployment. This link provides some background.

Why is the unemployment rate in Oregon higher than the national average?inflation rate

well who the hell lives in Oregon is the better question?

Why is the unemployment rate in Oregon higher than the national average? loan

This will not be a positive spin.. but .. I believe it is because they have a lot of illegal immigrants that are working there.. I have heard that places like Safeway hire one legal person and allow them to hire anyone they chose to do the work.. they then do not have to pay for overtime, correct wages or medical benefits.. and they say that our economy would be in trouble without them??? for who??? The CEO%26#039;s?????????|||Oregon seems to simply have a higher equilibrium unemployment rate than the rest of the country. It has been higher than average for the past 10 years at least. However, it is recovering faster than average. Unemployment dropped from its high of 8.8% in June of 2003 to 6.0 in January 2006, a 31% drop. In comparison, the national average dropped for its high of 6.3 in June of 2003 to 4.7 in January, a 25% drop.

As for why the equlibrium rate is higher, I%26#039;m sure many factors play a role, particularly the large amount of rural space in the state, the lack of a significant industrial presence in Portland, and the high rate of immigration, though illegal immigration isn%26#039;t much of a problem.|||Oregon has chosen to raise their minimum wage higher than the national, federally mandated minimum wage. When a state chooses to do this, anyone who is working, but not providing the value to the employer equal to or greater than the wage they earn will either become unemployed, or the employer must eventually go out of business. Think about it. A company, or employer must make enough profit to pay the employees. If they have to pay a higher amount, they must fire the folks who don%26#039;t produce at least the value of their wage. This means that people with less valuable skills become unemployed. Someone who can only push a broom will be unemployed. Don%26#039;t you think they%26#039;d be better off making 5 dollars an hour rather than nothing, because companies can%26#039;t afford them at a higher pay? Please look into this. Check out the sources I%26#039;ve listed.

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