Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Does anyone know if the unemployment rate was higher under Clinton? Wasn't the fall of the IT c

Just curious as there is a 6-8 month unemployed Flaming Liberal that attends my wine group. He is convinced that it%26#039;s Pres. Bush%26#039;s fault that he can%26#039;t find a job?! Just want some ammo. to shut him up!!

Does anyone know if the unemployment rate was higher under Clinton? Wasn%26#039;t the fall of the IT co.%26#039;s then?interest only loan

the economy is roaring under Bush. tell your flaming liberal to have some gouda with his Chenin Blanc and then move to China where they have plenty of jobs for him at slave labor wages.

I get job offers everyday. he can find a job, he just chooses not to for the same reason i havnt taken other jobs, i dont like them

the president doesnt create jobs anyway. there is no bill he can sign to magically make business have more opportunities. he can tax tehm to death so they cant afford to pay people though.

Does anyone know if the unemployment rate was higher under Clinton? Wasn%26#039;t the fall of the IT co.%26#039;s then?


Just keep on lying in the face of facts. It takes a village idiot. Report It

|||Just keep on lying in the face of facts. It takes a village idiot.

I should also smack you for picking a lying freak like Shiraz for best answer. Report It

|||Yes tell him that there was a high unemployment rate under Clinton. Proof? Tell him to do a legitimate search on this issue%26gt; And tell him to stop blaming the President b/c his *** can%26#039;t find a job. tell him to get up and to keep trying. And stop whining!!!!|||Actually the unemployment rate was lower under Clinton, I don%26#039;t think military jobs should be counted for pointless wars. There%26#039;s some ammunition...|||in all honesty, just from first hand experience. it was harder to find a job under clinton...|||The IT Bubble did not burst until Clinton was out of office. Bush was in office when it happened. The unemployment rate during the Clinton years was the lowest it had been in years.|||The unemployment rate reached all-time lows under Clinton and Bush has not been able to equal it, despite bragging about falsely positive numbers. The stock market did start to turn under Clinton toward the end, and it continued under Bush.

Just go to the Bureau of Federals Statistics and look up the numbers.

While this source (below) doesn%26#039;t include Bush II, it does have all other presidents post-WWII. Clinton%26#039;s economy was the best - hands down. And this comes from Forbes Magazine, so don%26#039;t scream %26quot;liberal media%26quot; at me.


One COULD make that argument, but you%26#039;d have to make that argument with Forbes magazine and the data they used.

Also, would you like to know what industry is adding the most jobs under Bush? Temp Agencies. There%26#039;s some great jobs for ya%26#039;.


And S H I R A Z, you%26#039;re wrong. Like you are on most issues. The average monthly job growth under Bush has been around 150,000 - which is the exact same rate as population entering the workforce. That%26#039;s a net job growth of ZERO. The numbers look great, but the numbers that you and Bush like to use ignore the fact that all the growth is happening for the wealthiest Americans. Poverty is up. Unemployment is up. Spending Power for the average worker is down. And the gap between the richest and the poorest is the highest its EVER been in US history. So overall numbers might look good, but when fewer people are participating in it, it%26#039;s not a great economy. Economists are calling this the %26quot;Jobless Recovery%26quot; and 70% of Americans lack confidence in the Economy. That%26#039;s not a good sign. According to its latest numbers, the confidence in the economy is only 5 points higher than October, 2001. It%26#039;s peak was a full 27 points higher than 9/11 if that give you any idea how most people feel about the economy.|||wine group? sounds like a typical drunk to me with no job.|||that because bush%26#039;s daddy had the rate so high man get your facts straight|||Sorry I can give you ammunition because your friend friend is right. There were more %26quot;Living Wage Jobs%26quot;(Jobs where you can actually live on what you make) under Clinton. Employment in general is worse under Bush. the economy is a lot worse. Blame it on what you will but the Bush administration has done nothing to address any issues that may affect employment or the economy.|||Bush didn%26#039;t %26quot;give%26quot; us a bad economy. It was on it%26#039;s way to doing a %26quot;correction%26quot; when Slick Willy had the office, and the dot com bubble was getting ready to burst then too. Like a weak defense department and weak intelligence sector, he inherited it from Clinton.|||Actually, according to Wikipedia, the unemployment rate during the Clinton years reached an all time low below 4%. I believe the current rate is somewhere around 6%. The reason it may have been difficult to find a job during the Clinton years is because the people had jobs, therefore there weren%26#039;t as many jobs available. However, during the Clinton administration, 22.5 million jobs were created, 20.7 million of which were in the private sector.|||Wow Clenis has been out of office for 6 years and he still makes the rethugs piddle their pants.

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