Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why does Canada have a high unemployment rate, unlike the USA?

I%26#039;m just asking.

Why does Canada have a high unemployment rate, unlike the USA?credit card debt

The real US unemployment rate is higher than reported. The people that fall off of the dole are no longer counted. So the reported rate does not include all of the unemployed.

Why does Canada have a high unemployment rate, unlike the USA? loan

With their welfare system, why work.|||because they are hand-out liberals|||cause they are so far lib. in their gov.|||WE DO HAVE A HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT RATE.

Or did you mean %26quot;high%26quot; unemployment rate?!|||They don%26#039;t... their system of counting is factual unlike our own. We only count those who have applied for or are on the unemployment rolls... as soon as you are off you are no longer counted. This assumes that everyone who comes off unemployment has gone back to work.. that of course is false..

were we to calculate accurately we would be much closer to 15-17% nationally and in the smaller cities and rural areas it could be as high as 30-40% as it is in my city of Syracuse NY..|||Not so many illegals coming in from their south. Relatively low population for the size of the country. Big business doesn%26#039;t have as much control of the political parties. They control both parties in the USA.|||They do? I didn%26#039;t know that. hmmmm|||i thought the rate was like 5% something like that lowwwwwwwwwwwww|||Canada%26#039;s unemployment rate is only 1.7% higher than the US. Is that really such a big difference, considering they have 10 times the people that we have?|||Let me also explain the unemployment is calculated from those actively seeking benefits and not those whose benefits have run out. Person who have been unemployment beyond the period of being able collect unemployment Insurance are not factored into those statistics.

In reality the only actual way to gage unemployment trends is to look at the socio-economic trends of a small area over time looking for changes in spending, the housing market and industry.

Stating that there is a huge difference in unemployment rates is most likely erroneous if you take into account Canada also gives a longer term for collection of EI benefits.

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