Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why don't people understand, that the 4.7% unemploment rate is not the rate of total unemployme

The government num,ber for unemploment is based on people in the system. But people fallout of the system after a couple of month being unemployed. The actual rate of unemployment is around 12-14% like in Europe.

Why don%26#039;t people understand, that the 4.7% unemploment rate is not the rate of total unemployment?credot siosse

While your numbers don%26#039;t have a link to support them, you are on the right path. This has been going on for a long time with both Republicans and Democrats in office. I wish they would report the truth!

Why don%26#039;t people understand, that the 4.7% unemploment rate is not the rate of total unemployment? loan

wow i did not know that....

i have noticed the numbers are doctored in certain ways..

esp. when it comes to poverty and inflation|||You are probably right. There%26#039;s also the people on welfare who never collected unemployment in the first place - or are your counting them already?|||They ( G O P %26amp; followers) do NOT want to see that

That would make our false economy look--------well FALSE|||that assumes twice as many people have fallen out as are actually unemployed. I%26#039;ve not seen a source that confirms that; and you can%26#039;t employ someone who isn%26#039;t looking for a job.|||I have known that for a long time.

It%26#039;s only based on the people who have filed for unemployment.

After a certain time you cannot collect unemployment so you%26#039;re off the radar.

Very deceiving.|||It%26#039;s relative too. People out of the system and unemployed may have (and probably have) informal jobs. Not counting people in crime, real crime. A lot of informal jobs are illegal just because they%26#039;re not inside the system.

And from people inside the system and unemployed you have to separate all those who are getting a government check and doing informal job. Why declare it if you can get both paychecks.

But, nevertheless, you%26#039;re right. The numbers for unemployment are a lot higher than those stated by the government.|||People are stupid, so stupid that in a democracy they don%26#039;t vote, and when they do, you have to tell them for whom to vote.|||Yeah -- they don%26#039;t even count babies or old people!

And what%26#039;s up with that inflation rate? The price of MY computers and underpants keeps going DOWN!

Did you know that a large percentage of the GDP (gross domestic product) is based on the lie that people that live in their OWN HOMES pay themselves RENT?

I guess measuring something is better than measuring nothing...|||According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Unemployment Rate for October 2007 stood at 4.7%, representing 7.2 million individuals.

%26quot;Persons not in the labor force%26quot; represent people who are out of work and have given up looking for work: this number stands at 1.4 millon individuals. Given that 7.2 million represents 4.7% of the work force, that makes the labor force 153.2 million individuals. Adding to that the 1.4 million %26quot;out of the work force%26quot; gives a total of 153.6 million, of whom 8.6 million are not working or no longer looking for work. This is a total of 5.6%. Larger than the 4.7% reported, but hardly 12-14%.

OK, so I%26#039;ve cited my sources. Can you please cite yours?|||Just another example of how corrupt our current form of Fascist Capitalism controlling government is! They %26quot;THE Wealthy could care less about their fellow legal citizens! They need to be eliminated along with ending representative government! The legal citizen should as a majority have ultimate rule %26amp; control starting with MONEY! Citing government statistics is like the fox standing watch over the hen house! With good reason why should government accountability be trusted for accuratcy? For a laugh what%26#039;s the government say Detriot or New Orleans rate of unemployment is? Word is Detriot is really over 40% and New Orleans a bit less! Another interesting question would be how many legal Americans have too LITTLE or NO income? This number is most definitly a sizable chunk of the estimated 300 million citizens!|||how do people fall out of the system after a couple of months, when you can collect unemployment benefits for 6 months??,.....12-14% where do those numbers come from??,.....|||well it%26#039;s all about impressions and lies.

if people believe the lies long enough then when the recession happens, it can be blamed on who ever is in power now, rather than those who actually caused this to happen.

with war time tax cuts (first time in our history) and unprecidented debt our nation is literally running fumes.

now that the housing bubble has burst, there will be real trouble.

folks, cut up your credit cards and stop borrowing money.

use what is in your bank accounts and get out of the habit of financing anything.

save for your retirement as much as you can.

it will make you a bad consumer, but will considerably brighten your future...|||Either way, no matter what the %26quot;real%26quot; number is...

Bush%26#039;s %26quot;government numbers%26quot; are in the same order of magnitude as Bill Clinton%26#039;s.

So what%26#039;s the point? Reality is not as good as the %26quot;government numbers%26quot; show, but it%26#039;s close to equivalent to when things were considered %26quot;great%26quot;.|||if i may add... those who give up looking for work are also not part of that statistic. You have to make a %26quot;claim%26quot; in either to be a part of the Unemployment statistic.

Those on Social Assistance are also individuals who are NOT part of the Unemployment Statistic!

Remember in the 1920%26#039;s?

the Une-mployment Statistic was at its %26quot;purest%26quot;,

not to mention... they didn%26#039;t have social services back then.

If you were unemployed.... people KNEW!

hence... remember the unemployment Stat for the late 1920%26#039;s to the early 30s???

it was around 20-25%

Add today%26#039;s unemployment plus our Social Assisted and those who are NOT looking for work anymore the statistic is hovering pretty close to 18%!!!


just my cents worth.

w|||To be unemployed and to qualify for unemployment benefits you have to be actively seeking work. There has always been a segment of the population that cannot find work and gives up trying to find work and drops out of the labor force.

Once a person drops out of the labor force, he or she is no longer included in the unemployment rate.

The rate of unemployment as calculated by the European Union was 7.0% in May 2007. The EU also calculates a rate that includes those who have stopped looking for work which is what you were referring to.

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