Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are there figures on the "unemployment rate" of illegals in America?

Surely they ALL cant be working. A quick drive to your local home improvment store will tell you that. I wonder how the percentage of unemployed illegal compares to the percentage of unemployed Americans or legal immigrants.

Are there figures on the %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot; of illegals in America?credit cards

It took awhile but I found a few...

While the native born rate fell from 5.9 percent to 5.2 percent between 2003 and 2005, the rate for foreign-born workers fell from 6.6 percent to 4.6 percent. Further, the percentage of foreign born workers in the workforce increased from 10.8 percent ten years ago to 14.8 percent today.

Are there figures on the %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot; of illegals in America?


How can there be any unemployed illegals inside the borders of the US. It is not legal for them to seek employment.

Ok. Home improvement center. Are you there at 6:00am? Some contractor doors are open at 6:am for will-calls. There is usually a large number of pickup day labor wait to get a nod from a contractor to help load, ride to the site and unload, all of the above and they stick around as helpers. Some are quite skilled. The best prepared have a bag or tools.

Some come at different times of the day. Some return from one job and pick up another.

Some work every day. Some work a few days. There are two industrial laundries in my town. The labor needs fluctuate and there is a door where women line up for a days work. Rain or shine there is someone there to enter the door when it opens.

All job seekers are able to get something at least four days a week. Landscaping contractors absorbs a great number. Restaurants and caterers absorb a great number for back-of-house, cleanup and dishwashing. I live in a resort and business hotel area. Housekeeping absorbs a lot of day labor.

All work after a fashion. Legals are able to go to day labor agencies. Legals are able to work for privatized city services crews.

What are the standards of your observations and measurements? Are you employed? Is it a 9-5 job. Do you have duties that take you out on the street in the work day. How have you come to be stimulated to ask the question in the first place.|||I have seen quoted 30% are unemployed. I have no sources though.

Seems about right from what I know. These are day workers. Catch as catch can.|||Probably not...ever since the politically correct and amnesty crowd have influenced the system more, its either not part of the questioning process if not down-right illegal to ask people thier immigration status or if they are even a citizen or not.

And as we learn more and more of different states being foolish enough to just simply %26quot;trust%26quot; people, it doesn%26#039;t look like anyone can do anything significant to find out the figures. The Census even went as far as to tell the Feds to back off crack downs so they can get an accurate count....which is strange..because these were the same Leftist libs that claimed we couldn%26#039;t deport all the illegals cuz we wouldn%26#039;t be able to find them. Well if they can%26#039;t find them...then how can they count them is my question.

Too many lies and inconsistancies for me I guess.|||well, mexico has a VERY low unemployment rate; even lower than the u.s. i would assume that the rate of unemployment for mexicans in the u.s. is also low.|||The numbers cannot accurately be counted. One way unemployment is tallied is by counting how many people are receiving Unemployment Benefits. Illegals need to have a valid SS# and worked over 3 months straight, and not Quit their job in order to be eligible for that. Sure, they can fake info, and do, in order to collect.

But there%26#039;s no way of verifying the total number of people who are unemployed. Besides, any of them with a baby get food stamps, welfare and a host of other goodies to make NOT WORKING for taxable income, worthwhile.|||In today%26#039;s report; many illegal aliens are leaving before the Jan.1st 2008 crackdown. Many businesses that catered specifically to Illegals in Chandler,AZ have stated that most can not get jobs and are becoming homeless for lack of jobs. They are complaining that their sales have gone far down and that they are unable to attract business so they RELUCTANTLY need to market towards Anglos..

So, Not many are finding it lucrative to find easy jobs pretty rapidly since the crackdowns. I will find you the article, but the percentage of jobs available seem to be filled already and there should be no need for the influx of illegal aliens we get today.. just my honest/humble opinion.

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