Thursday, July 16, 2009

5 % of jobs are held by illegal immigrants. The unemployment rate is 5%. Your thoughts on this coinc

I heard this yesterday. Full employment is considered somewhere between 93 to 97%. It depends on which economist you listen to.

What bothers me most about this stat is the 5% illegals who are working. That means a whole bunch of Buisness owners are breaking the law. And who would normally fill these 5% jobs? Young people? People not going to college. People just starting out? These business owners are just as criminal as the criminals they%26#039;re hiring. How many of them are putting their honest competitors out of business? Cheaper labor means they can charge less.

Now we have a Congress who%26#039;s willing to wipe the slate clean. These people who heve never paid into Social security, pensions, etc. are going to be looking at you and I to subsidize their retirements. We%26#039;re headed into trouble.

5 % of jobs are held by illegal immigrants. The unemployment rate is 5%. Your thoughts on this coincidence?

Exactly.The liberals just don%26#039;t get it.

5 % of jobs are held by illegal immigrants. The unemployment rate is 5%. Your thoughts on this coincidence? loan

5% of Americans would rather collect unemployment, than pick avacados for substandard wages?|||There has always been a percentage rate of people who CANNOT work, and another group of people who refuse to work. The fact that the two numbers match for one year between the unemployed and illegal immigrants is pure coincidence.

There are so many jobs out there it%26#039;s silly.

Still, illegal immigrants do not belong here, whether we need workers or not.|||Only 5% are held by illegals?

Anyway, it%26#039;s probably a good thing, otherwise we%26#039;d have all the illegals milking the welfare systems.|||Deport Illegals = 5% Increase in available jobs

people who are unemployed get jobs = 5% decrease in unemployment

End result = 0% unemplyment..

Say buddy, how do you know there is 5% illegals if they are undocumented and there is no way of tracking them ?|||take an econ class smart guy, the natural rate of unemployment is around 5 percent (may be higher or lower), so even if EVERY illegal immigrant was deported, the rate of unemployment would rise to the same number with time. . .|||The official %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot; is fictitious. How does anybody know how many people are unemployed? What facts and statistics is that figure based on? Think about it.

The FDR administration used the employment rate, which is a real figure, easily estimated by counting the number of people who pay income tax..

They were the last administration that ever cared about America%26#039;s working people.|||Our REAL unemployment rate is much higher. It only counts people getting unemployment checks. Not people looking for work. Proves to me we don%26#039;t NEED illegals because our own citizens NEED jobs!|||The unemployment rate is not determined by using those who can not work (disability) or even those who have run out of unemployment benefits. They actually calculate unemployment using the amount of people who are receiving an unemployment check, what happens when the employee runs out of benefits? they do not get counted, that%26#039;s what happens..... I suspect the unemployment rate is much higher than is reported (shocking, politicians trying to play down problems!!!!)

This would make that 5% that you speak of even more damaging.....|||The unemployment rate is much higher than 5%. That is just how many people are still on the government statistics. Those totals don%26#039;t cover the people who are refused or no longer receive unemployment benefits.|||Very interesting!|||Arguments like this make me sad. First of all, the unemployment is 4.4% check your stats. Second, it was 5.8% in the early 1990%26#039;s and it has since decreased as the illegal immigration increased.|||Has to be more than 5% of jobs that are held by illegals!!!!!

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