Thursday, July 16, 2009

What groups of people are not included in the unemployment rate?


retired persons


What groups of people are not included in the unemployment rate?

Those already employed and those who do not what to work and have not registered.

What groups of people are not included in the unemployment rate? loan

people who have been unemployed for so long, thier unemployment insurance payments have stopped. also- other people who didnt qualify for unemployment payments, like if they were fired, or didnt work for thier last company long enough to qualify.

so- a %26#039;drop%26#039; in the %26#039;unemployment rate%26#039; can be very misleading- it can really mean that unemployment is getting worse- those who may have been on the roster previously have still not found work, but are no longer counted in the rate.|||the ones with jobs|||People who work are in fact a composition of the unemployment rate. They are the comparison figure.

People who have been unemployed for a long period of time fall off the statistical unemployment chart and are not included in the rate.

People who are permanently disabled are not included.

People who are retired are not included.

People who are returning disabled military are not included.

People who have never worked are also not included.

People who incarcerated are not included.|||retired



royal family

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