Thursday, July 16, 2009

How bad is a 4.5% unemployment rate?

Liberals seem to be stocking up on food and water for the economic collapse of America. Wasn%26#039;t the Bush attacks on 9/11 supposed to be the economic ruin of America, according to liberals? What about the Bush tax cuts during wartime? What about all the corporate scandals? What about hurricane Katrina? What about the housing market bubble that was to send us into a recession? It seems like anytime there is a cloud in the sky liberals are predicting the economic destruction of America.....or are they really hoping for the economic destruction of America? Whatever hurts America, hurts Bush, right? It is obvious what the liberals would be praying for if they weren%26#039;t all atheists.

How bad is a 4.5% unemployment rate?payment calculator

Where I live, it%26#039;s even lower than that.

Yes, ANYTHING to makes things look bad. To them it%26#039;s all about doom and gloom.

And those foreclosures that you%26#039;ll hear and read about? Stupidity caused those, not the economy. But I%26#039;ll betcha those bleeding hearts will want us to pull them out of that as well. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

How bad is a 4.5% unemployment rate?


It%26#039;s the Greatest Economy in the History of the Nation.

Democrats are in a Rage. They are going to raise billions in taxes.

Democrats want Revenge on the Working People for getting Tax Cuts.

The Democrats are going to punish us workers, and we will pay dearly.|||It is actually too low. The ideal rate is 5% so that their is enough flexibility for emerging businesses but it is more important a measure regionally.|||very bad when the 95.5% employed are working McJobs and Wal Mart.|||Only dummies and retards believe what Liberals say.

Liberals predict %26quot;the sky will fall%26quot; since 01/20/2001..... I am still waiting...|||One of the best in history. I can%26#039;t imagine why Hillary and the democrats need to fix it. Tax cuts are working.|||It%26#039;s at an all time low. basically it means that everyone who wants a job, pretty much has one. 4.5 is amazingly low, but to hear the libs talk the sky is falling.

VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBENTS|||Not the numbers game.

This just means that 4.5% of the people filed for unemplyment benefits. It does not reflect people losing 60K and up careers for 30k and below, dead end jobs.

Neo-cons will take anything they can and twist it to something good for America.|||It%26#039;s only bad if you%26#039;re one of the statistics. If you%26#039;re working, it%26#039;s okay. A foolproof formula that works for 4.5% or any other number!|||4.5 means there is no unemployment. In 1992-93 unemployment was almost at 8%.|||Great question.

Liberals really hate these facts:

Stock market at all time high, revenues at all time high, unemployment near record lows. Anyone who wants a job in America can find one.

Why do liberals hate these facts?

Because they hate America. There is simply no other explanation.|||Seems that they were cheering Bill Clinton for what he did

in Arkansas, but just how many chicken plucker%26#039;s do you

need on one state. Also notice that they bring up Mc Donalds

and Wal-Mart as the source of jobs and accuse Bush for

throwing unemployed drug dealers in jail to reduce the

unemployment rate. Guess they need their dealers back

on the street so they can get their drugs.

If you want to see the unemployment rise, wait until a

Democrat becomes President and raises taxes, there

will be less money for people to spend meaning that

less products will get sold and companies will be forced

to layoff workers to hold their margins.

9/11, Katrina and every other disaster in the US has been

the fault of Bush, according to the Democrats, I%26#039;ll bet that

they even blame him for Global Warming (to bad that one

is a lie). I am sure that they blame Bush for the high cost

of housing but doubt that they would sell their own house

for less than the market price.

This is the reason that the Democrats have a JACKASS

for their mascot, and it sure fits.|||%26quot;Doomsday soon%26quot; and %26quot;Y2k All Is Lost%26quot; stocked up as in 1960s days of fallout shelters.

Bush attacked nobody on 9/11 but Arabs claimed Jews were behind it despite 17 skyjackers of 19 being Saudi Arabians. JFK wanted tax cuts in a speech available on the internet because the 90% on highest was %26quot;confiscatory%26quot; AKA %26quot;legal taxation robbery%26quot;. He died soon thereafter.

When Brits forgot to renew ONE onerous tyrannical tax, revenues flowed in like Niagara Falls!

Bush tax cuts have turned loose the American GIANT, with revenues flowing in like the waves of a tsunami! People work over-time again, businesses are booming, and TAX MONEY ROLLS IN LIKE an 18 wheeler! Democrats regained control of Congress, made TAX INCREASE noises, and scared the hell out of wage-earners who stopped spending and started bracing themselves/grabbing for ankles. Even peacable Europeans would kill Muslims for 4.5%...we are the envy of the world!

YES, modern liberals want America punished for being hard-working, punished for being successful, punished for all our charity for the entire makes the poor feel poorer especially when wealthy Arabs have billion$ to build islands in the Mediterranian as tourist attractions but NOT one dime for capitalism so their own people can pull themselves out of poverty and squalor and deprivation and disease and lack of education (except %26quot;kill the infadel%26quot; schooling).|||The global unemployment rate is 6.3%.

I learned in first grade that 4.5 is less than 6.3.

Therefore I%26#039;m thinking 4.5 sounds pretty darn good!

ANd if you are working at McDonalds as a frycook (and you are over 21) or WalMart as a greeter (and you are under 65)....then I suggest you are unskilled, uneducated, or just plain unambitious.

All of which are your own fault.|||Welcome to Wal Mart...The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 0.6 percent in the first quarter of 2007, the worst showing since the final quarter of 2002, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The growth rate in real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- was slower than the 1.3 percent pace originally estimated and the 2.5 percent pace in the final quarter of last year. We are going BACKWARDS AGAIN...A Good economy is rooted in Good Fiscal Goverment Management and we are not doing it very well.|||Anyone notice, you still get posters, who think the number of people applying for unemployment benefits, has anything to do with the unemployment rate.

Why won%26#039;t they go to the Department of labor web page and actually read , how the Dept of Labor calculates the unemployment rate.

Or would they rather continue to look silly, by quoting some liberal myth they read on some blog?

Kind of like the liberal myth that all the new jobs are at walmart or mcdonalds.

You have noticed, that they never ever supply any links to back those silly statements up.|||We don%26#039;t have to predict the Republicans that have never ran an administration in the last 3 republican presidents that have not made the deficit grow and economy drop, its plain to see. We don%26#039;t want economic slowdowns like we get with Republicans that is why we vote democrat so it doesn%26#039;t happen. You are a troll, go back under your bridge and stay there.|||No different than the 54% increase in Fast food resturants.

That means the 27%er%26#039;s can all have 2 jobs now to cover the cost of renting a double wide.

Go Team Bush Go

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