Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Papua New Guinea suffers high unemployment and country like Australia has low unemployment rate?

because Papua New Guinea have a larger population than countries like Australia. So, under normal circumstances, more people = higher umemployment rate.

there%26#039;s also the problem with less education provided, so companies like MNCs (Multi-national companies) most likely won%26#039;t employ them.

Why Papua New Guinea suffers high unemployment and country like Australia has low unemployment rate?credit counseling

Australia has great mineral wealth, and efficient, mechanised agriculture, as well as an educated and well trained workforce. Far too many of PNG%26#039;s people live in isolated villages, from subsistence farming, and have low or no literacy and numeracy. One way to start changing this, is to take the brightest and best, and train them to be teachers, doctors, health educators, midwives, agricultural advisers, etc., and require that they spend several years (say, 4 - 5), back in those villages, making their contribution to their community, to discharge their education debt to the government. With the advent of the new, wind up computers, this is an opportunity PNG cannot afford to miss out on, or it will be a basket case for many decades to come. See A similar college in PNG, as well as the above, would be highly beneficial. Small trail bikes (125cc), with carriers attached, would seem to suit, as are in use in Africa. I know the riverways are important, and light plane travel is often used for the more inaccessible places, but a more extensive road network is important, too. It needn%26#039;t be all weather, sealed bitumen ones. Elysium is incorrect: Australia has a population of around 23 million, PNG%26#039;s is approximately 5.7 million.

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