Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lol isn't it funny how France has such an high unemployment rate ?

Funny ha-ha or funny weird?

Lol isn%26#039;t it funny how France has such an high unemployment rate ?loan rates

People without jobs is hilarious. The Great Depression would have been a laugh riot for you.

Lol isn%26#039;t it funny how France has such an high unemployment rate ? loan

yeah...they need to get Wal-mart over there real quick.|||They also have a great welfare system. Hhmmmm wonder what that%26#039;s about.|||Typical conservative, taking joy in others sorrow.|||well bet most most are guards for the kings castle to.|||glad to know starving children are funny to you......|||socialism sucks|||How is that funny? That it%26#039;s a socialist economy and is barely surviving and the country is overloaded with Muslims destroying any of the proud history of France? It would sure be hilarious if it weren%26#039;t so tragic.|||well i%26#039;ve never found my to laugh about in other people%26#039;s sorrow, but then again, i%26#039;m not a republican.

it seems that all republican humor is about war, death or sorrow.

and they are getting %26#039;funnier%26#039; ever day...|||About as funny as the way the US massages its own unemployment figures so the number is lower than it actually is. If you take standard international measures (eg. ILO numbers) then France is about the same as the US, only a point and a bit higher.

ETA: To those that don%26#039;t think the US massages it%26#039;s unemployment figures, please, read up on standardised international measures. For example, the US does not count anyone unemployed longer than 90 days as %26quot;unemployed%26quot;. They are taken out of the figures as %26quot;having left the job market%26quot;. Nor do they count anyone that isn%26#039;t receiving/applied for welfare benefits. The *actual* measure of US unemployment is much higher than the official figure. Don%26#039;t get your panties in a twist over the fact. Most countries massage their UE figures. That%26#039;s why I mentioned the ILO standardised figures: they are applied the same way in each country and give a truer comparative measure. The OP was engaging in a bit of mindless France-bashing so I returned the sentiment with some facts. I%26#039;m sorry if that upsets your parochial world view. :-)|||In a few years it is going to be worse. Once they are under Sharia law, we%26#039;ll have to go bail them out again like we did in WWII.

Except this time it is not an invading Hitler, it is an enemy from within that is taking over.

Stick a fork in them, because France is done.|||YES, BECAUSE YOU%26#039;D THINK THERE WOULD


THE MUSLIM RIOTING!|||Yes, but much less funny is how libs want the USA to be just like France.|||Where there is socialism, there is no prosperity. Americans, take heed.|||The really sickening thing about runaway socialism is that the lowlifes that riot and complain about there being no jobs just keep demanding more and more handouts from the productive segment of society, leading to more and more welfare and counter-productive entitlement programs...it%26#039;s a hopelessly failed approach to economics that they will only wake up and correct once they are completley ruined, like the Soviet Union.|||They have a high unemployment rate because of the over-generous welfare system and ridiculously strict labor laws (making it nearly impossible to fire people).

Don%26#039;t worry, our slide left as country will force us to confront these same problems in the future.

Edit: Russ-In-MO, what blog did you read that garbage from?|||They consistently have 2x to 2.5x our rate of unemployment and the reason is that they have higher minimum compensation standards and specific restrictions on firing. You hire someone, you%26#039;re almost marrying them - so nobody wants to hire an inexperienced worker, particularly a foreigner, someone without references - so they DON%26#039;T, the result is widespread unemployment, and yet they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that they%26#039;re causing their own misery.

And the US does NOT %26quot;massage their own numbers%26quot; or have a %26quot;real%26quot; unemployment rate that is similar to France%26#039;s. If you%26#039;re available for work and looking for work, you%26#039;re unemployed. Period. Doesn%26#039;t have anything to do with benefits.|||France%26#039;s unemployment problems stems from employee protection regulations and red tape. Socialist models work quite well, just look at Scandanavia. Also those that are employed in France are full time permanent and not part-time.

Saying the French are lazy is incorrect. It is mainly the young generation that are unemployed even with univeristy degrees. They are frustrated and don%26#039;t like being on welfare. There is much more of a sense wanting to be an active part of society in France than in many Anglo/Saxon countries.

And it is no way funny. I had a friend with a near perfect degree in engineering and it took him a year to find work.

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