Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is the drive-by media remiss in not marveling at the lowest unemployment rate in history right now a

Why don%26#039;t they want you to know ? Shame on them .

Is the drive-by media remiss in not marveling at the lowest unemployment rate in history right now at 4% ?mortgage loan

The sad thing is you will get some thumbs down on this. So will I.

I am a product of today%26#039;s economy. I have a good job and have just bought a house. Despite the escalating housing costs, home ownership is also at an all time high.

Have you noticed how everyone has a new car, most have SUV%26#039;s.

I grew up during the recession, and am shocked at the level of discontent in this country. None of us ever had any money.

Is the drive-by media remiss in not marveling at the lowest unemployment rate in history right now at 4% ?


The unemployment rate can be misleading, an in-depth report would focus on people who were not counted and people who felt under employed. As the saying goes, %26quot;There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.%26quot; If everyone truly had jobs, and jobs they felt good about, would there be so much discontent?|||It%26#039;s amazing what happens when you have a McDonalds, Jack In The Box, Wendy%26#039;s, Denny%26#039;s and 7/11 on every corner will do for the economy. Those minimum wage jobs are just great for the economy, ask anyone working at those places - that is if you can catch before they go across the street to the other fast food place to work because they can%26#039;t make on one minimum wage job. Where do you live, Beverly Hills? Because where I live, the housing market is dead, 18 year olds are being forced to choose between the fast food job or the military as a %26quot;career%26quot; because they can%26#039;t afford to go to junior college, or get a beat up car to get them there. 4%? You can make anything of statistics. Ask Bush, he wants us to believe he is responsible for the 4% unemployment rate but the statistics reported by half a dozen polls saying his support is around 30% he doesn%26#039;t believe are accurate. So you tell me, what is going to be? I%26#039;ll buy your 4% if you will agree to the 30%. Otherwise, statistics are as useful as **** on a boar hog.|||Maybe you%26#039;re just not paying attention. I work at a newspaper and we report the unemployment rate each month when the new figures come out.

However, though unemployment is at a level that is historically considered low, so are wages. The jobs that have disappeared, at least here in Michigan, have been replaced by jobs that pay much less and offer fewer benefits.

So, while relatively few people are out of work, many of the people who have had to seek out and take new jobs are now getting paid much less than they were and going without benefits such as health care.|||How about all of those unemployed workers who have gone off the rolls? Oh, that%26#039;s right, you just regurgitate Rush%26#039;s dribble and think you%26#039;ve got a clue. You%26#039;re so special. Special in the retarded way.

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