Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why do people bash Bush on the economy when the unemployment rate is lower than when Clinton was in

Are liberals really THAT brainwashed????

Why do people bash Bush on the economy when the unemployment rate is lower than when Clinton was in office?payday loan

Because they can%26#039;t understand that Clinton left the recession. Clinton%26#039;s fiscal policy ended in October of 2001. It is an economic fact that unemployment lags the economy by almost 1 1/2 years. So, the job losses in 2000-2002 could virtually be attributed to the incompetence of Clinton%26#039;s fiscal policy and inept US security policies from 9/11 as that did affect the economy.

But, evidently, liberals think that getting blown by an intern is more important than being presidential.

Why do people bash Bush on the economy when the unemployment rate is lower than when Clinton was in office?


ignorance and blind hatred|||I always liked the phrase, to the left sided Liberals bad news is their good news.|||We are not brainwashed. The Clinton Years were good years and most of my Republican friends made out really well in the Clinton years. It was a good time all around.

Actually, you Republicans should be more upset with Bush than anyone else. Your president has enlarged government and government spending more than any other president in history. As I understand it, these are not Republican values.

Who%26#039;s brainwashed....|||You need a math class.|||Yes, yes they are! They insist that the economy is not that good. As if their liberal news media would admit that if it weren%26#039;t true.|||From reading the posts on this site, I%26#039;m convinced that the Bush bashers are rhetoric spewing, uneducated people who have probably never even voted in a presidential election. They have no idea what they are saying. They simply repeat the stuff they hear. If you ask them to clarify anything, or back up their statement with facts, they are at a loss.|||workers too discouraged to look for work do not count in the statistic. There are lots of those now but few during Clinton years.|||Because they only count the people who are on unemployment in the government figures anyone who has been unemployed for too long to qualify or only has part time at minimum wage doesn%26#039;t count. Add in that we incarcerate a larger percentage of our population than every other civilized nation including China and voila. Welcome to the machine.|||Do you think that by saying this you change the past?|||They%26#039;re still fighting the 2000 election which they think was %26quot;stolen%26quot; from them, even though independent investigations proved that it was not. Yes, the vote was close, but he did win. I think they would make lousey poker players.|||So if you believe in those rates, then you most believe on the approval ratings too right? Or those are just to brain wash people...|||Unemployment is not the only part of the economy friend.|||I doubt the unemployment rate is lower, but if it is, how many of those jobs created are minimum wage jobs? How many people have been forced to accept a wage cut to keep their job? How many new jobs have been created at the white collar level compared to minimum wage jobs? How many people seriously could make a living at minimum wage?

I make (on average $15 ph) and it%26#039;s not easy.|||***** At this point in time, if Bush saved a little old lady from being hit by a bus while he was running across the street to get a kitten out of a tree, the liberals would find some %26quot;fault%26quot; in his actions. *****|||From reading the posts on this site, I%26#039;m convinced that the Bush supporters are rhetoric spewing, uneducated people. They have no idea what they are saying. They simply repeat the stuff they hear. If you ask them to clarify anything, or back up their statement with facts, they are at a loss.

But seriously, those who give up looking because they can%26#039;t find a job, are not counted as unemployed; and those who lose a well paying job that ws downsized and wind up as a clerk at WalMart are just counted as employed, never mind if it is at fraction of former wages and little or no benefits. And don%26#039;t call me names, I said these sames things under Clinton - unemployment numbers are played with to make the administrations look good.|||They are uneducated idiots who think that we should be able to kill baby%26#039;s. They also show too much compassion for criminals. To tell you the truth they are going to single handily ruin the things that we as Americans have worked so hard to get. They try to talk about the war as though they are living at the White House and have some sort of idea of what is really going on. And heaven forbid someone have to work for a living. According to them we should hand every Minority a check each month and bus over illegals. Good lord I think you have hit my angry spot.|||Because employment means nothing if they can%26#039;t afford to live.

Also, the American dollar%26#039;s value is dropping. Eventually even those people pulling 50 or 60 K a year will be living in poverty.

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