Saturday, July 11, 2009

What can you say about higher rate of unemployment?

the root cause of all evil is....

population explosion...

for most of the developing countries. At a very high level of popln gorwth the number of ppl will always out number the jobs available.

What can you say about higher rate of unemployment?credit check

either less jobs or more people than jobs available or lots of people enjoying a break between jobs

What can you say about higher rate of unemployment? loan

ITS BECAUSE OF THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, ANOTHER REASON IS BECAUSE OF GLOBALISATION , CHEAPER LABOUR . PEOPLE HAVE TO BECOME TOUGHER AND START EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES , DONT WAIT FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN.|||because of population and every one is educated so competition is higher.|||Too many Republicans holding office.|||the unemployment is mainly due to girls. Boys do not study and waste their time, due to which they can%26#039;t answer anything in interview.|||Actually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the umemployment rate continues to drop nationwide. Read more and be better informed.

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