Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are liberals going to blame Bush since the unemployment rate?

is now lower since Bush took office than it was during the artificial market boom under Clinton?

Are liberals going to blame Bush since the unemployment rate?

Lib%26#039;s always blame Bush %26amp; God But this they will try to take credit for that%26#039;s for certian

Are liberals going to blame Bush since the unemployment rate? loan

of course not they will claim cresit since they are the majority in congress now|||And more blacks own their homes than ever.

That will make Dems mad.|||No, those few liberals who rabidly hate Bush will just segue into the McJobs canard, or they%26#039;ll change the subject to My Pet Goat or some other B.S.

The real dimwits will claim it all happened since November 2006.|||All these positive changes seem to be happening after 2006 when the Democrats were elected to Congress. HMMM I wonder if that might have something to do with it. The preceding 6 years things were just the opposite. Compare that to the unprecidented levels of employment during the Clinton Administration and the last 6 years look pretty puny.|||The market boom under Bush has been much more artificial and damaging to the long run health of the country that it was under the Clinton administration, because it has been fueled by massive deficit spending and tax cuts for the rich. - Crack Cocaine also has a stimulative effect, but that doesn%26#039;t mean it is a good thing. - The next generation will suffer for what Bush has done to the country in more ways than one.|||If people are SMART, they would blame business for the unemployment rate, not the government. The president didn%26#039;t tell these people to send their companies overseas for cheaper labor. This blame game is just another way for one party to make another party look bad. I%26#039;m sick of it. C%26#039;mon, Americans!! Lets stop blaming the government and start taking responsibility for ourselves!!|||of course they always do its sad really.

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