Thursday, July 16, 2009

If the poverty rate in the United States was as low as the unemployment rate would that be something

Or would it just cause a whole set of new problems since the majority of the nation would be able to afford the necessities and some of the luxuries in life?

If the poverty rate in the United States was as low as the unemployment rate would that be something positive?heart rate

It would be a great thing and create tons of great jobs as people purchased everything.

The big problem with teh US today is the disparity of income. We have a wider gap between the rich and the average and the poor than since the depression. This mean average people cannot buy things that stimulate the economy.

Henry Ford understood that you must pay people enough to buy your product. A wealthier and larger middle class helps everyone. A small number of extremely wealthy helps no one.

If the poverty rate in the United States was as low as the unemployment rate would that be something positive?


Not sure that I understand the question. But I do know that America is the wealthiest nation on earth. So what do you classify as poverty? unemployment rate would also go down if people would start up their own businesses.|||The only reason the unemployment rate is low is because people have stopped looking for work. It is not because they have found work that is equitable to the jobs that they lost because of Bush%26#039;s fuzzy math.|||The poverty rate in America is between 10 and 15%.

That means a family making under about $25,000 a year.

All I can say about that is:

I can work full time at McDonalds at $8 an hour. 8 * 80 * 26 = $16,640. Both parents working at McDonalds is $33,280, above the poverty level.

Throw in a couple of better jobs than working at McDonald%26#039;s, and you have to wonder: How can ANYBODY live in poverty in America?|||Just a question here ok ...? but do you believe the poor should not have to work for those luxuries like everyone else does who want luxuries?

By your reasoning, not only should taxpayers give to the ppor everything thing they absolutely need.. but they should also want to and must throw in an Escalade as well. That makes no sense.|||Yes, that would be great assuming you mean 5.1%.

Phillip Mc---

A Family of FOUR

Assuming there are two parents-33k=Net under 2k/mo

Three bedroom apartment = $2000-$1400=$600 max

$600 minus utilities=$400/mo (assuming heat included which it%26#039;s not)

$400 divided by 4.33 weeks per month= $92 per week

Ever try to feed a family of four on $92 per week much less clothe one and pay school costs, transportation, medical co-pays, etc.? That%26#039;s how people live in poverty if they%26#039;re THAT lucky.

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