Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why is there a HIGH RATE of unemployment in inner city areas?

and a low level of educational qualifications?

Please help, thanks!

Why is there a HIGH RATE of unemployment in inner city areas?credit report

excellent question, think of it this way you need a new pair of trousers but in the local high street shops they cost say 50 quid, now if you go out of town to a a factory retail oulet you can get them for half price. a lot of companies move out of town to ruralish areas because they are given a tax benefit/exemption to pull resources from the local area. if the companies through sheer greed of the owners take the tax break to move out of town the number of unemployed will increase, who can afford to travel twice everyday for 20 miles to get to work? luckily i work for an agency.

as for low education, well if an area has low employment people are going to have to quit school early to bring money into the house for the family. its all down to the greed of company directors, how many millions can make them happy.

Why is there a HIGH RATE of unemployment in inner city areas?


It seems that most inner city children do not have the higher education that most of the corpations are looking for that are established in a downtown area.|||Because it%26#039;s easier to sit at home and wait for the giro to arrive than it is to get off your butt and find a job !

If unemployment benefit was withdrawn or quartered (no pun intended!) suddenly there would be no unemployment !|||Depends where you live. In Auckland, the best suburbs are in the centre of town %26amp; the slums further out.|||More people are being made redundant these days - it%26#039;s not all about those who can%26#039;t get jobs, but those who have been laid off.|||I think it%26#039;s probably the type of people who live there, however you must always remember it takes all sorts to make the World and if there weren%26#039;t any takers nobody would have the pleasure of giving.|||1. With Manufacturing jobs going to Far East not many manufacturing jobs around in Europe or US anymore.

2. A lot of Migrants are living in the inner city -cheaper area rathen than the expensive suburbans hence they are highly likely to have no job -at least to start with.|||Lack of jobs. Lack of inspiration.

A lot of the older generation have been made redundant and have difficulty finding employment due to their age. When young people watch their parents going from one interview to another and giving up hope they become disillusioned and stop trying.

Of course this is a gross simplification but it is a factor.|||Lack of funding for inner city school systems, lack of self-discipline and motivation. Unemployment seems to surface to those who are receiving benefits, using the government to get by, making many excuses.

Some people are just plain lazy and just comfortable with doing nothing.

I should know, I have many family members who use the term %26quot; the white man is trying to keep us down%26quot;. I think they are lazy and full of crap. I made it my business to graduate from a poor inner-city school and graduated from a great university and now I have a great job. It depends on yourself, your goals, and how far you are willing to go to be successful...|||Basically you get high levels of unemployment when the demand for work exceeds the jobs available. Now a days you have to travel that bit extra to get the work.

When it comes to employment it is a toss up between the standard of the school and how hard each pupil works towards their qualifications.

It is up to us to make the best of what we have to open the doors of opportunity|||because they haven%26#039;t found this website

that they can earn easy money fast on yet.

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