Thursday, July 16, 2009

What can you suggest to government to decrease its unemployment rate?

The government doesn%26#039;t create jobs.

They can only hinder job creation.

What can you suggest to government to decrease its unemployment rate?

Not necessary. The unemployment rate is already at such a low level that many economists consider it to be full employment.

What can you suggest to government to decrease its unemployment rate? loan

make me king|||Stop outsourcing jobs and enforce current immigration law.|||make all the bums join the military....theres 12 %26#039;homeless%26quot; guys always on the corners here in austin,tx begging for money if u catch em at the right time u%26#039;ll see them on there cell phones and stuff they live in an apt.....

o yea im in the army screw what gabriel said we need to be over there i%26#039;ve been there its not like we are forced to go|||yeah.... the unemployment rate is at an optimal level according to economists...

any lower and businesses would have major problems finding people

which could technically lead to an argument that illegal immigrant workers are needed...|||If you are talking about OUR government, well, for starters you could outlaw all trade with non-democratic nations. (China would be a good start).

In fact - China would be an EXCELLENT start, since they are diametrically opposed to all that our Constitution stands for.

They ignore our patent and trademark rights.

They ignore our product quality assurance rules.

Oh and - by the way, they ignore human rights.

And I don%26#039;t mean the sweat shops - I mean that if you are a Chinese couple who has the AUDACITY to have a female child - they either sell her into slavery or KILL her outright.

THESE are the people we are doing business with folks.

Sleep well.|||Stop supporting drug attics with our tax dollars.Doing that will make them get up off their lazy druggie a**es and get a job causing the unemployment rate to drop.|||The US unemployment rate is very low as is. There%26#039;s alwasy going to be some unemployment. Basically, the only way to get lower is to have a bubble economy, which eventually bursts.|||Secure boarders, lower taxes, stop regulations that are unnecessary. Get out of the way of small and medium businesses|||lower taxes|||Go out of Business.

Seriously, that is the best way. Government, through the inflation created by the Federal Reserve, through the Marxist IRS, through the Marxist Inheritance taxes, through the moronic anti-market laws and regulations, and all its welfare schemes (including the popular Ponzi Scheme Social Security), creates unemployment. Of course, the worst culprit is the minimum wage law, which outlaws jobs under a certain wage.

Under a pure Capitalist society, there would be no such thing as (involuntary) unemployment because all money would be put to its most efficient usage and therefore everybody would have a job at their market wage.|||Have government officials stop taking bribery from large corporations.

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