Thursday, July 16, 2009

What do I think of the Michigan unemployment rate?Why do you think so many people,are moving out of

Like myself,I am unemployed and seriously thinking of an out of state move real soon. Taxes are also being raised,and this is another reason,why so many people are moving out of state.It is awful,that people have no choice,but to put their home up for sale,and move on.Our Big 3 factories are in trouble,and then everyone else is too.

What do I think of the Michigan unemployment rate?Why do you think so many people,are moving out of state?credit card debt

I agree. My wife can%26#039;t find a job to save her life (medical records management). And, I can transfer with the company I%26#039;m with. We%26#039;re seriously considering leaving.

What do I think of the Michigan unemployment rate?Why do you think so many people,are moving out of state? loan

Blaim your governor for the tax hike. She is a democrat, a Liberal. She was not even born in the United States, but was in Canada. She can%26#039;t know what is best for Michigan. I%26#039;ll bet you a thousand dollars she doesn%26#039;t even buy her cars from Detroit! I%26#039;ll bet my last dime she buys them from Japan while she makes taxpayer%26#039;s pay for her Limo driver!|||All Governor Granholm needs to do is to continue to raise taxes until the people and business return. The more taxes you pay the more you want to live here, right?|||My wife, who has a master%26#039;s degree, a teaching certificate, and a paralegal certificate, has been looking for a job for over a year. I%26#039;m very fortunate because my job pays well enough for the two of us to keep our little ranch in Redford Township. My whole family is here, as is hers, so we%26#039;re not going to move. We%26#039;re the exception to the rule. I can%26#039;t see any reason for anyone to stay here with the economy as bad as it is, the Big Three about to go under for good (the only good thing about that is it%26#039;ll mean the end of the worst thing to ever happen to the auto industry -- the UAW) and a moron in the Governor%26#039;s mansion saying %26quot;We%26#039;re so sorry that so many people in Michigan are out of work and having such a tough time getting by, so to fix the problem we%26#039;re going to take away more of what we already know you don%26#039;t have and give it to a government that will be in no way held accountable for how that money is spent.%26quot;

Don%26#039;t blame me; I voted for Dick DeVos.|||We have a similar problem in Ohio, massive job losses, lousy economy. Most of college grads seem to permanently leave the state ((same for the past 2 decades).

There are macroeconomic changes under way that will devastate automotive %26amp; manufacturing. This harms OH, %26amp; MI even moreso. You can%26#039;t blame the governor/government for that.

However what is clearly required is some sort of plan to create jobs in our states and keep *good* jobs here. and to encourage the educated to stay here. Ohio%26#039;s gov has completely failed at that and I think MIchigan is the same.

I had a small biz for the past 11 years and recently stopped and went to work for a company headquartered in California. The laws in OH for small biz are horrible. I%26#039;ve been involved in several attempted Tech startups and no one in this part of the nation seems to understand ventuer capital. They will bankroll a service business or a retail, but there is absolutely no money for anything that will create good jobs. The one startup that did get off the ground was immediately moved to Arizona (a right to work state without the union and workerscomp problems) as soon as the initial design work was done and a customer secured.

People will have to get far angrier about the situation before anything will be done.|||Your right on the Unemployment, yet our government in the U.S. is allowing it to happen in more states also. We do not make it fair for manufacturing in the U.S. to make products by allowing more imports in with out the proper taxes to make it fair. yet if you look at the taxes foreign countries charge us to bring in our goods it charged way more than it should be. Our government is helping us to fail here in the U.S.|||michigan has a canadain socialist for its gov. she has taxed everything and every one to death. Peopel and jobs are leaving and moving to sane states with sane governments. She and bush should marry, hes ruining america and she,s ruining michigan

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