Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Name a world leader who thinks Bush is an idiot AND whose country's unemployment rate is lower

Bertie Ahern. PM of Ireland which has a lower unemployment rate than the US.

Unemployment rates are easily fixed by the way. I%26#039;m sure there are many unregistered unemployed in the US!

Name a world leader who thinks Bush is an idiot AND whose country%26#039;s unemployment rate is lower than ours...cheap loans


Name a world leader who thinks Bush is an idiot AND whose country%26#039;s unemployment rate is lower than ours... loan

Joe speaks for me.|||Man that%26#039;s a toughy. I%26#039;ll have to get back with you|||pakistan,cuba,sudan|||Who cawes? I have a job hunting tewwowists. Oh, dat scwewy Bin Waden!|||Statistics mislead more times than they clarify problems. The problem isn%26#039;t the country%26#039;s unemployment rate, it%26#039;s the fact that more and more people are working for lower and lower wages, while middle class, well paying, industrial based jobs are lost over seas.

Your question, if answered would give the impression that Bush is anything other than a pawn of Big Business who is raping the American tax coffers to benefit his cronies.

The blogbaba won%26#039;t shamelessly plug a world leader or allow you to pretend Bush is anything other that a failure. As a President, none have dishonored the office more that George W. Bush, and that is saying a lot, because some really vile political scum rose to the top of Washington%26#039;s cesspool.|||Whtat is the correlation between unemployment and Bush being an idiot?

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