Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If a worker loses a 60k job and gets a 30k job, how does this impact the "unemployment rate&quo

As it so in Bush%26#039;s economy?

If a worker loses a 60k job and gets a 30k job, how does this impact the %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot;?emergency loan

It doesn%26#039;t. The cancervatives would have you believe that

%26quot;everything is great%26quot; when a worker loses a 60K job and gets a 30K job because their corporate buddies can hire someone desperate for that 60K job for less money. They brag about how the unemployment rate has went down. There are so many people that just gave up on finding jobs, but those people aren%26#039;t counted. Also not counted are the many Americans that have to take less paying jobs because of all the corporate outsourcing of jobs. It%26#039;s disgusting. The Rethuglicans are very dishonest about these things. Self-interest prevails.

If a worker loses a 60k job and gets a 30k job, how does this impact the %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot;?


He is STILL employed, dufus!|||great question!|||not a bit|||It doesn%26#039;t. He is still employed. If he refused because of the cut in pay, which he legally can do, then he would raise the unemployment rate.|||He is still employed so it doesn%26#039;t in any economy.|||Is it? Do you have stats on this, I%26#039;d like to look at that.|||It doesn%26#039;t--if a worker is employed, he/she is employed.

To look at teh impact of such shifts in types/pay of jobs, you need to look at te changes in real wages for the workforce.

And there you see this is a BIG problem. Real (corrected for inflation) wages in the US have been flat or declined over the last few years--although the compensation of high-ranking executives has skyrocketed. Welcome to Bushonomics: nobillionaire left behind.|||Actually this is what happened during the Clinton administration when he authorized the slashing of the military and defense spending. To the point that todays Military suffers such sever shortages that troops need to spend many and longer than normal tours.|||is that what happened to you? I quit a 39k job and got a 52k job. It doesn%26#039;t impact the unemployment rate, only the competence of your example employee.|||Well as previously stated, the person is still employed. If you are referring to the 30k that is suddenly not in that person%26#039;s pocket, it would only effect the unemployment rate if the 60k job was completely eliminated. Then the 30k would be lost from the local economy and might, just might cause the loss of someone else%26#039;s job somewhere. However, if the 60k job simply gets filled by someone else, the only negative economic effect would be re-budgeting on the part of the person who lost the job.|||They call that being gainfully unemployed. That is taking a much lesser job to get by, but doesn%26#039;t necessarily utilize their full skills. (Ex. An Engineer taking a job as a cashier)Unfortunately this is not factored into the unemployment rate. They seem to only track %26quot;new jobless claims%26quot;. What about the people who have been on unemployment for so long that their benefits have run out and they still can%26#039;t find work? I think they are trying to paint a much rosier view of the economy and of the employment situation in this country. It%26#039;s not just Bush. It%26#039;s the way they have always viewed unemployment - same under Clinton. No one really noticed then because so many people had jobs.|||It means he will need 2 jobs. Proving Dubya has doubled employment

Not just a decider A dublieder.

Grrrrr|||I understand the point you were trying to make..In other words, If you%26#039;re employed at a great job and lose it, you can become a burger flipper at a quater of your original pay. This is happening all over america.

We are losing our good jobs to oursourcing and there are many more burger flippers. You still work but you can%26#039;t make a living wage at it.

Another reason for low unemployment is that people have to work 2 jobs.|||it doesnt, he is still employed. Although he is counted in another statistic known as the %26quot;Underemployed%26quot;. These are persons who have taken jobs significantly below the pay level that they have historically held.

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