Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why does this Administration say that the "Unemployment Rate" is less than 5% when 10% qui

Because they want us to believe that their economic policies are working. Unfortunately the policies are only working for the rich.

Why does this Administration say that the %26quot;Unemployment Rate%26quot; is less than 5% when 10% quit looking?postage rate

And where do you get your numbers ?

Why does this Administration say that the %26quot;Unemployment Rate%26quot; is less than 5% when 10% quit looking? loan

the administration lies about unemployment and only uses people registered with unemployment offices to get their statistics. they%26#039;ll lie about anything to make the economy look better to get votes. They don%26#039;t care about minimum wage only being $5/hr when they are making millions and giving billions of tax payers money away daily for their own greedy purposes.|||%26quot;And where do you get your numbers ? %26quot;

In order to make his point, if he had one, he pulled his numbers outta his a$$...

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 128,000 in August, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.7 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Payroll employment grew notably over the month in education and health services; several other industries had modest increases. Average hourly earnings rose by 2 cents, or 0.1 percent, in August following larger gains in the prior 2 months.|||How can they count those who quit looking? compared to those who found jobs? Its all political fullbarts.|||We got the Hispanic Caucus of the Democratic Party holding the door open for new workers. Ask Solomon Ortiz why folks have quit looking.|||No one wants to tell Bush the truth and Bush doesn%26#039;t want to know, let alone tell, the truth. But, after artificially maintaining the economy after the .com bust by dropping interest rates, the truth is beginning to catch up to him.

Drive through the ghost town that used to be Silicon Valley and ask what the real number is.

They want your vote.

The economy is very unstable. All you have to do is issue a press release stating that the unemployment rate is over 15% and stock prices will drop resulting in more people getting laid off resulting in more stock price drops, and so on.

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