Thursday, July 16, 2009

What is the lowest US national unemployment rate during Clinton's Administration?

Higher than it is now 4.2%!

Employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that 60 months into the Clinton expansion, the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent vs. 4.5 percent for Bush. The last time the jobless rate was as high as 5.3 percent under Clinton was January 1997, 49 months into the Clinton expansion. The Clinton administration clearly benefited from an expansion that began well before the election and well before they ever passed a single piece of economic legislation.


What is the lowest US national unemployment rate during Clinton%26#039;s Administration?unemployment rate

Hahahahaha....he was trying to argue with me on another question where I posted Bush%26#039;s UR was lower than Clintons.....LOL

Better luck next time.

What is the lowest US national unemployment rate during Clinton%26#039;s Administration?


Well lets see, conservative data says that Bush%26#039;s was lower, liberal says that Clinton%26#039;s was. Just pick one and go with it, you can find data to support either claim.|||How is it that the Bush Administration has continually lied to us yet you still believe any numbers that come out of the government agencies. You are not very bright are you ?

You can start with the 2000 presidentail election. GW was appointed by the Supreme Court because his father appointed some of the judges.

You can then go to the staged covert operations that were run for him by the CIA %26amp; friends. Killed over 3,000 people without batting an eye. Free 9/11 video downloads are available

You can then go and illegally invade Iraq on a trumpted up charge of them having WMDs.

You can then be told that the %26quot;mission is completed%26quot; on an aircraft carrier.

You can then believe that by jailing Border Security Guards by giving imunity to an illegal immegren drug smuggler that he is really interested in halting the invasion from Mexico.

He has even refused to grant them pardons.

You can then believe that the FDA is doing everything in their power to inspect the food that China is shipping to the US after pets and people are getting sick %26amp; dyeing.

You can then hear Bush say that he thinks that the Mexican Attorney General is doing his job when the atty general shows up to give testamony with no documents to support anything he says and states over 60 times %26quot;I Don%26#039;t recall%26quot;.

You can then believe that George Bush is so concerned for the troops in Iraq that Walter Reed Hospital, which used to be THE place to go to get treatment was left to run down and mistreat the wounded soldiers.

You can then believe the the us military has no officers left that care enough for their uniforms and/or oaths to tell the truth to the president. those that did were transferred and/or retired.

You can then believe that high ranking officers can tell the parents of a soldier that died in combat was %26quot;warm dirt%26quot; and have a higher ranking officer tell a congressman that there wasn%26#039;t any laws that were broken. then after the congressman asked him about laws for Conduct Unbecomming an Officer%26quot; he admitted that there was such an offense.

I can go on and on and on but what difference does it make.

The one thing that I can look forward to is waking up tomorrow and watching the whole thing over again.

round, and, round, and, round we go, where it stops no one knows|||this is really not rocket science... easy to find... easy to prove...


Clinton low = 3.8 for April 2000

Bush low= 4.2 the month he was inagurated

in other words, someone is riding someone else%26#039;s coat tails... and averages (the only thing conservatives discuss) hide this FACT very well...

HW%26#039;s huge rate that he gave to Clinton, like 6 or 7 percent, ruined Clinton%26#039;s average...

a simple look at the numbers clearly shows this... (you can change the years at the top of the chart for proof, if you want to go back to Clinton%26#039;s first year)|||Clinton may have been lower, but he didn%26#039;t give tax breaks to companies that sent American jobs overseas. Plus the jobs that were here paid better than they do now. I don%26#039;t think the question or answer is in the numbers it%26#039;s in who was looking out for US citizens and who is looking out for corrupt corporate scoundrels. Clinton wins that one, since we actually saw minimum wage go up when Clinton was around, Bush fights it tooth and nail

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