Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why aren't liberals talking about how the unemployment rate has decreases by more than half in

Here%26#039;s the true stats back to 1999(Clinton):

2004 qII , 5.5%

2004 qI , 6.1%

2003 qIV , 5.533%

2003 qIII , 6.033%

2003 qII , 6.033%

2003 qI , 6.367%

2002 qIV , 5.533%

2002 qIII , 5.667%

2002 qII , 5.733%

2002 qI , 6.167%

2001 qIV , 5.233%

2001 qIII , 4.767%

2001 qII , 4.333%

2001 qI , 4.6%

2000 qIV , 3.667%

2000 qIII , 4.033%

2000 qII , 3.867%

2000 qI , 4.4%

1999 qIV , 3.767%

1999 qIII , 4.267%

1999 qII , 4.2%

1999 qI , 4.633%

I, personally, see an upward trend, not downward.

Another interesting stat to look at is US median income (in 2005 dollars):

2005 $47,716

2004 47,490

2003 47,772

2002 47,806

2001 48,073

2000 49,061

1999 49,067

So, not only are more people unemployed, those that are working have lower wages and less buying power.

Sorry to burst the bubble you%26#039;re living in...

Why aren%26#039;t liberals talking about how the unemployment rate has decreases by more than half in the last quarte

I Don%26#039;t think they are going to make our case for us. Just remember that this nation is still great despite the griping by the Libs. By November of 08 America will be so sick of hearing the belly aching we%26#039;ll be ready for another Republican President. I wonder which excuse they will use then? Probably we are racist or anti feminist or maybe homophobic. ( Sorry for the reference to Ann Coulter) I couldn%26#039;t resist.

Boy. look at the angry people who responded to this and isn%26#039;t it interesting that they spout all these figures without reference to a source. One of them makes up something and they all jump on it like it was fact. Don%26#039;t you love it when they get so mad that they can%26#039;t think straight?

Why aren%26#039;t liberals talking about how the unemployment rate has decreases by more than half in the last quarte


Economy was ramming ahead under Clinton and Gore, you%26#039;re right!|||Because they know that bush and his cronies are pathological liars!

you FINALLY got a job?!!!|||Congratulations.....the unemeployment rate has gone down while the whole rest of the country has gone to sh*t.|||Because gas prices are going up again.|||should we thank Bush? or Walmart?|||Why aren%26#039;t you talking about how countries in the Mid east are changing their trading money from U.S petro dollars to Euros? And, why aren%26#039;t you talking about the giant deficit and debt that Bush is racking up? And, why aren%26#039;t you talking about if this trading in Euros instead of dollars continues that the value of our dollar is going to shrink dramatically, meaning that people will have to have 2 or three full time jobs just to make ends meet. why don%26#039;t you mention that California is paying over $3.00 a gallon in gasoline the rest of the states are next. All the while the oil industry is taking in billions in subsidies (our tax money) that Bush gave the same oil industry. And, these same oil corporations are making billions in record profits while you and I are paying for the same tank of gasoline twice because of these subsidies. Oil per barrel is only $60 to $62. That means even more profits along with our tax dollar give aways.

You quote some pie in the sky numbers about unemployment without looking at the entire economic indicators that contribute to a healthy economy and you expect us to buy it. Get real.|||Again, this statement could only have come from Fox News. I did not note that the unemployment rate went down to 2.3%, which would be the lowest in the recorded history of Western civilization. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Mr. Hannity.|||Feel free to provide sources. At any rate, even if that%26#039;s true, which I find hard to believe, most people, regardless of their political views, would agree with me that the war in Iraq is a much higher priority right now. And there aren%26#039;t too many of you left who claim that%26#039;s going well. (Cheney%26#039;s embarrassing attempts to describe Britain%26#039;s planned withdrawal as a sign that they *are* going well notwithstanding...)|||More than half??? That would mean a drop of from 6% to 3%. Didn%26#039;t hear about that happening. The change is usually around half a percent. Significant difference. As for the liberals talking about it, it%26#039;s all mathematics. When a person is no longer eligible for unemployment coverage then they are employed, whether they have a job or not. There are only 2 categories so all those people with no job and no unemployment coverage must be employed which causes the rate to fall if no new unemployed were added.|||So What.....

It is still higher than when Clinton left office. What are you bragging about????|||well, maybe you don%26#039;t know this but once a person%26#039;s unemployment benefits run out they%26#039;re no longer counted among the unemployed. also tho service industry jobs like cashier and restaurant work, fast food and maid service has remained steady, higher paying jobs like computer specialists and factory jobs have been shipped overseas. the under employed aren%26#039;t counted either. the numbers are rosier than reality.|||Because they don%26#039;t want to give Bush credit for doing anything good. If it%26#039;s good they give credit to someone else but if it%26#039;s bad they always blame Bush.|||Because it%26#039;s not true. And, those jobs that have been taken are, for the most part, minimum wage jobs.... Don%26#039;t believe everything you hear on Faux news....or the loud-mouthed talk radio jerks.|||Don%26#039;t know - every shred of data on the subject refutes every class warfare argument. The Census Bureau reports that most of the job growth is in the %26quot;service sector%26quot; which includes all white collar professions, and 80% of the growth of the service sector is in technology and healthcare with much of the rest coming in finance, law and other professions servicing the technology and healthcare industries, and they tell us %26quot;service sector%26quot; means food service sector and that %26quot;all the new jobs are McJobs.%26quot; That%26#039;s flat-out lie.

The Liberals take a Census Bureau report that says that the middle class has declined in size in proportion to the US as a whole in the last twenty five years and they report a %26quot;decline of the middle class%26quot; - saying that the average income of the middle class is declining or insinuating that at least as many households are moving down as are moving up, when the same Census Bureau data set that showed them the middle class had declined in proportion to the whole also showed that 92% of the households leaving the middle class had moved UP.

They have an agenda, and they are willing to lie to support that agenda.|||Marko! You know why? That would be giving, Our President the Kudos that he so rightfully deserves!! Tax Cuts work. And they won%26#039;t anything to do with believing that sort of %26quot;Right-Wing Trash%26quot;. Good Stuff. Here%26#039;s a Star to prove it.|||They don%26#039;t want to talk about the truth. Only lies.|||Because that would be a positive, and they only deal in the negative!

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