Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bush's unemployment rates... where are the lies coming from?

This government site clearly shows that unemployment was lower under Clinton than it was under Bush, yet I hear again and again about how Bush%26#039;s unemployment rate is lower than Clinton%26#039;s on here... always without a source...

I%26#039;ve heard this several times... and I must say... it makes the Republicans look like they either:

A. don%26#039;t know what they are talking about


B. are just flat out lying...

Where do these lies get started? People are clearly believing it, because I keep hearing it like it%26#039;s the gospel?

Bush%26#039;s unemployment rates... where are the lies coming from?payment calculator

I was trying to figure it out too, every time I get into a conversation or debate with a self-styled conservative I get this reference to a report about how %26quot;magically well our economy is doing%26quot;. I%26#039;ve found a few conservative blogs quoting things that quite obviously skewer the numbers and twist the comparisons in odd ways.

Some examples (don%26#039;t have the numbers) of what I found in this twisting of logic:

More jobs were created last year (2005) under Bush than in the same year (1997) under Clinton. This is a true statement. However, they failed to point out that overall unemployment was LOWER under Clinton, and far fewer jobs were destroyed in that same year. They also didn%26#039;t point out that the new jobs created to replace the old were on average much lower paying (in both apportioned and real dollars and benefits) than the jobs that were destroyed.

3 engineering jobs being destroyed or shipped elsewhere cannot be made up for by 4 fast-food jobs being created, no matter how you cut it.

American economy also seems really strong, but the %26quot;wealth-gap%26quot; is opening up at a very fast pace. The middle class is disappearing at a rate faster now than under any other president, including Reagan.

Americans are financed up to their necks in credit to fund %26quot;the American dream%26quot;. This is NOT real prosperity, this is debt-slavery. Our own government is financed up to their necks in credit to foreign banks, at an exponentially faster rate than under Clinton. Our great-great-grandkids paying taxes under the current rates will still be paying just the interest on our recent government spending boom.

This is not a partisan issue, this is an American issue.

Bush%26#039;s unemployment rates... where are the lies coming from?


Yeah, thank God i don%26#039;t watch Fox or CNN.

I think that is where most of the BS instills itself into the gullible.|||I%26#039;ve seen that site and well %26quot;There you go again!%26quot;.

Proving once again that figures don%26#039;t lie...Lie-bral...Liberals Do!

Remember the unemployment rate under Carter?

America would like to forget also!|||Wait until the Chinese stop loaning us money. It will be interesting to see how his appologists spin the Bush Administration%26#039;s failed economic policy THEN.

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