Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is it true that IT/computers caused higher world's unemployment rates?

The world%26#039;s / US unemployment rate is much higher n 90s and 00s than it was in 70s, 60s, and 50s

Is it true that IT has someting to do with that fact?

Is it true that IT/computers caused higher world%26#039;s unemployment rates?credit union

Actually the US unemployment rate is far lower than in the 70s. You could even argue that if you include the millions of undocumented immigrants working here, the effective unemployment rate is negative (since there are more people working than there are legal workers).

According to the US Government, unemployment in the 1970s ranged mostly between 6 and 8%, while in this decade it has been between 4 and 6%. It was between about 3% and 6% in the 50s and 60s.

Note also that during the past most of the workforce was men, and the population was smaller. Women have entered the workforce in greater numbers so that total employment is far higher. Total employment in the US was 58,918,000 in 1950; it was 144,427,000 in 2006.

During the postwar boom, US economic output rose steeply and was helped by the demand from other countries whose industrial base had been destroyed by war.

Generally, productivity improvements result in short term job losses, but long term job creation- as businesses become more productive, prices drop and demand rises. This creates more jobs than it destroys.

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