Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why do Republicans lie about unemployment?

The unemployment rate would be 7.0 percent if the same share of the population was employed today as at the beginning of the business cycle. The unemployment rate can drop for two reasons: because job growth is strong or because fewer people are looking for work. Unfortunately, the reason the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.9 percent is that Americans have been falling out of the labor market, not because a greater share of the population has a job. In March 2001, 64.3 percent of Americans 16 or older were employed. Had that number not dropped to 62.8 percent by December 2005, an additional there would have been an additional 3.5 million jobs and the unemployment rate would be 7.0 percent.

Why do Republicans lie about unemployment?

Republicans are all lemmings. I just wish someone would lead them off a cliff somewhere.

Why do Republicans lie about unemployment? loan

Aww come on buddy. In these many years of their rule, havent u realized that its their job to lie? :) They are such professionals at that.|||Republicans are liars. Get use to it.|||That%26#039;s the only thing that they are good at and they do it so well.|||anyone can manipulate statistics....but I don%26#039;t like Republicans either...really and truly they just help the rich people and give tiny raises to the military but cut veteran benefits....|||Hmmm my republican husband just walked through the door from working all day, just in time to see all this republican bashing by democrat supporting folks who apparently have time to sit and play around with the internet rather than working harder to further the welfare fund, unenployment fund, social security, etc or even to earn a raise or add to their own savings for the possible future layoffs, not to mention the meriad of democrat backed money-sucking social programs!

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