Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why does Liverpool have twice the national average rate of unemployment?

Too many workshy scousers living on giros?

No jobs in Liverpool cos all the big investment%26#039;s in Manchester?

Other reasons maybe?

Why does Liverpool have twice the national average rate of unemployment?heart rate

They have all been employed undercover to steal all the handbags\wallets of all the new vistors they will have now they have been voted city of culture.

Why does Liverpool have twice the national average rate of unemployment? loan

How many people does it take to change a light bulb? I doubt that it takes everyone. I would say more but it might not go well with the taste buddies.|||That is really a big question that would take years to answer properly, but, yes, big investment in other areas, decline of traditional industries, modernisation of working practises..I mean just look at the docks now ! Go down to Seaforth and take a look, it is all huge crane things, once it was a thousand men, now it`s a bloke in one of those. Containers caused a lot of jobs to go. One man in one crane lifts one container. Many years ago it would have been a gang of men sweating their nuts off.

`Tis the modern age.

Yes, sure there will always be that one per cent who do not want to work, but really it is the way that trade, manufacturing and industry evolves around the commodity of choice at the current time. Sometimes a region is importing labour to fuel it`s fires of industry and enrichen the bosses bank accounts and then it starts to decline and jobs go. Look not so far away at what was once the coal mining industry...gone at the swing of a Prime Minister`s handbag, along with steel, shipbuilding...oops.|||A surprising statistic, considering what Liverpool has to offer and of course its location, maybe being the Capital City of Culture will help|||Are you going to keep this up for the rest of 2008?|||go and take your face for a sh1te.|||maybe the media portrays liverpool as bad and this prevents buisnesses from setting up in liverpool

there are as many workshy people in liverpool as there are anywhere else in the uk

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